To make the most of the forest resources and improve growth of trees, the ministry of energy and natural resources initiated ...
The health ministry will initiate measures to strengthen early intervention and provide improved healthcare services and ...
To learn more about the country’s rich culture and tradition, Damphu Central School in Tsirang dedicated a day to celebrate ...
One in five Bhutanese are exposed to second-hand smoke or passive smoking at home. In addition, more than half of the ...
During the recent Bhutan Innovation Forum, Nobel Laureate Physicist Konstantin Novoselov said graphene could be an ...
Following several cattle raiding incidents, villagers in Bunakha, Chhukha are living in constant fear. Several cattle have ...
The Department for Surface Transport will blacktop 21 Gewog Centre Roads or district roads in the current fiscal year. The ...
Nearly 35 per cent of the country’s working-age population is economically inactive. This means these individuals are neither ...
The prime minister during the Meet The Press session today said that the implementation of the Economic Stimulus Plan is not ...
Residents of Sarpang, especially farmers are anticipating a boom in agricultural productivity once works to develop the ...
At the recent Bhutan Innovation Forum, experts explored how artificial intelligence and augmented reality can benefit sectors ...
Her Majesty Queen Mother Tshering Yangdoen Wangchuck graced the ground-breaking ceremony or Salang Tendrel of the ...