I just returned from a holiday on the gorgeous island of Corfu in Greece and spent quite some time taking photos. Instead of ...
I just delivered a talk on JavaScript and ES6 at All things Open in Raleigh, North Carolina. This is just a quick post to give you all the content and links I talked about.
I was lucky enough to get some good JavaScript trainings in the last months, one of which being Douglas Crockford explaining the DOM as an inconvenient API to work with. While his slides have a ...
I am currently in Prague, Czech Republic and gave a talk on re-use, professionalism and ease of development at the WebExpo. Today I am going to have a longer chat with the people at the University ...
Just got this via the webaim mailing list: I am very pleased to share with you news about the AEGIS project, a 12.6m investment in accessibility, with the vast majority of it focused on open source ...
Last week I went to Paris, France to speak at a Yahoo Developer Network event and Paris Web. Paris Web is a web development, design and accessibility conference that runs for the fourth year (I think) ...
Disclaimer: This is a list that will be part of the upcoming book for Friends of Ed about Web Development with Web Services and APIs. I thought it’d be interesting ...
These are the notes of my talk at SmartWebConf in Romania. Part 1 covered how Impostor Syndrome cripples us in using what we hear about at conferences. It covered how our training and onboarding ...
The lovely people (check the interview to see what I mean) at Bachelor ICT just released “the videos of my talk about Maintainable JavaScript”http://www.bachelor ...
A few days ago I was in Berlin to speak at the JSConf EU for the first time. As a topic I covered how we as a JavaScript community should be doing more to bring our knowledge out to the world and I ...
Today I gave a quick talk on HTML5 at the Evento Linux conference in Lisbon, Portugal. Originally I had planned for a longer keynote and when I realised I only had 20 minutes, I had to cut down a bit.
I got some emails by people asking me how the script powering the css table gallery works. Instead of answering each and every email, please refer to the following if you are also curious: ...