Support for sustainable fishing and seafood from retailers and consumers remains resilient despite ongoing cost of living crises globally according to the MSC’s latest Annual Report, Celebrating ...
During Seafood Directions 2024 in Tasmania, we caught up with Professor Gretta Pecl AM, one of Australia's leading marine ecologists. As a Lead Councillor of the Biodiversity Council and Director of ...
Many of the longest standing MSC certified fisheries are those catching whitefish. Over the past two decades, the volume of sustainable whitefish supply has enabled MSC label growth across markets in ...
The blue MSC label is applied to wild fish and seafood from fisheries that have been certified to the MSC Fisheries Standard, a set of requirements for sustainable fishing.
Fisheries often need to improve their environmental performance before they can achieve MSC certification, including reducing impacts on endangered, threatened and protected species. MSC Biodiversity ...
“Despite the difficult economic conditions of the last year, we’ve seen remarkable resilience and stability in the sustainable seafood sector. This would not have been the case in the absence of the ...
A total of close to £1 million has been awarded via our fund this year, with around half the grants going to vital research and improvement projects.
O apoio dos retalhistas e dos consumidores à pesca e aos produtos do mar sustentáveis permanece resiliente, apesar da atual crise do custo de vida a nível mundial, de acordo com o mais recente ...
Según el último Informe Anual de Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) publicado hoy, Liderazgo en Pesca Sostenible, las distribuidoras y los consumidores siguen respaldando a los productos pesqueros ...
Die gemeinnützige Organisation Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) warnt anlässlich des Welternährungstages (16. Oktober) eindringlich vor den dramatischen Folgen der Überfischung für die globale ...
“A pesar de las difíciles condiciones económicas del último año, hemos visto una notable resiliencia y estabilidad en el sector de los productos del mar sostenibles. Esto no habría sido posible sin el ...