Putting slight variations on common games can help support pro-social behaviors. Many different game variations are possible ...
Test anxiety isn’t about the test itself—it’s about how you react to it. By staying connected physically, mentally, and ...
If we look closely enough at our family stories, we may find inspiration for our own lives. Did a family member's story help ...
Beneath the facts of the current conflict run unresolved emotions. Naming them helps us heal, grow, and work towards bringing ...
When it comes to dating, emotions are often the driving force behind our decisions. We chase chemistry, passion, and that ...
Chronic indecisiveness is caused by extremely high self-oriented expectations, self-doubt, and dysfunctional ways of thinking ...
Election anxiety affects many, especially Black women, due to political tensions and safety concerns. Election stress ...
Social media can be harmful for people's mental health, particularly girls and young women. Two dangers of social media are ...
Loneliness is a peculiarly modern phenomenon, and it’s on the rise in America. Despite the countless ways to connect online, ...
The annual U.S. suicide rate increased 30 percent between 2000 and 2020, reaching an all-time high in 2023 with 14.7 suicides ...
Psychedelic drugs can influence our beliefs about religion and politics, but whether these represent insights or false ...
With 300,000 lives lost annually to preventable medical errors, the patient safety risk model offers a framework to predict, ...