Nekdanji avstrijski as verjame, da lahko njegov rojak pod nizozemsko zastavo ulovi celo slovitega Šveda Ingemarja Stenmarka.
Kakšen uvod v novo sezono Lige NHL! Najboljši slovenski hokejist vseh časov Anže Kopitar se je trikrat vpisal med strelce in ...
Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings, ki jih že vrsto let kot kapetan vodi Slovenec Anže Kopitar, so v pripravah na novo sezono ...
Hokejisti Los Angeles Kings, ki jih že vrsto let kot kapetan vodi Slovenec Anže Kopitar, so v pripravah na novo sezono ...
Team captain Anze Kopitar and last season’s team-leading scorer Adrian Kempe factored into all three Kings goals. They each recorded a point shorthanded, at even strength and on the power play ...
When Kings' captain Anže Kopitar met the media, he informed them that the Kings is changing their system from the 1-3-1. This is great news for many Kings fans and players after it was a point ...
When Kings' captain Anže Kopitar met the media, he informed them that the Kings is changing their system from the 1-3-1. LAK C Anze Kopitar made one thing cler on first day of camp: "We're not ...
Neza and Jakob Kopitar put their dad on the hot seat. In a video posted by the Los Angeles Kings on social media, Anze Kopitar’s daughter and son asked their dad some important questions on ...
Hokejisti Utaha so sinoči na gostovanju v New Yorku po podaljšku s 6:5 premagali Rangers in zabeležili tretjo zmago v sezoni, s katero ostajajo v uvodu sezone neporaženi. Los Angeles Kings slovenskega ...
Slovenski kapetan kraljev Anže Kopitar je imel v 17 minutah in 21 sekundah na ledu v statistiki točko za eno asistenco. Kopitar je tako prišel do 756. podaje v NHL in sedaj le še za eno asistenco ...
This was the same predicament Kopitar had a decade prior, when he hung 76 points on the competition in 14 games as a 15-year-old for Jesenice while playing against 18-year-olds in Slovenia. Both ...