ETH Zurich and EPFL are launching the Swiss National AI Institute (SNAI) to provide a national perspective on AI-based research, education and innovation. SNAI will accelerate the momentum of the ...
In the last twenty years, ETH Zurich has more than doubled its student numbers. At EPFL, this figure has even tripled. At ETH Zurich alone, 3,700 young people have just embarked on their Bachelor’s ...
Experience the latest developments at the interface of business and science at the ETH Industry Day @ Open-i on November 21/22 at the Zurich Convention Center. Benefit from a two-day programme packed ...
Generative AI is already good at delivering teaching materials in alternative forms and making them more accessible. It also helps with programming. Vermant sees potential but also a need for ...
In den letzten zwanzig Jahren hat die ETH Zürich ihre Studierendenzahlen mehr als verdoppelt. An der EPFL stieg diese Zahl im gleichen Zeitraum sogar auf das Dreifache an. Allein an der ETH Zürich ...
L'objectif du programme pour stagiaires est d'obtenir un aperçu aussi large que possible des tâches des Services informatiques pendant les trois différentes missions, afin de pouvoir occuper un poste ...
Researchers have developed a laser that can produce extremely short pulses with peak powers up to 100 megawatts and 550 watts of average power. This was made possible by an optimized arrangement of ...
For the prosthetic leg race at Cybathlon 2024, ETH’s Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) joined forces with Ottobock and ORTHO-TEAM to form Team Ottobock.X3. In this ...
Forschende haben einen Laser entwickelt, der extrem kurze Pulse mit Spitzenleistungen bis 100 Megawatt und 550 Watt mittlerer Leistung erzeugen kann. Möglich wurde dies durch eine optimierte Anordnung ...
Monter des escaliers ou traverser un chemin inégal : Pour les personnes équipées de prothèses de jambes traditionnelles, ce sont souvent des obstacles presque insurmontables au quotidien. L'équipe du ...
ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: ...
Insieme a Ottobock e ORTHO-TEAM, il Centro di competenza per l'ingegneria e la scienza della riabilitazione (RESC) dell'ETH gareggia come Team Ottobock.X3 nella gara di protesi di gamba a Cybathlon ...