Chinese investment in Africa has helped spark economic growth and improve social outcomes across the continent. Yet Chinese projects often seem to go hand in hand with civil protests. We wanted to ...
Trust is a relationship between peers in which the trusting party, while not knowing for certain what the trusted party will do, believes any promises being made. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set ...
For indigenous peoples, resilience is rooted in traditional knowledge, as their capacity to adapt to environmental change is based first and foremost on in-depth understanding of the land. As climate ...
Jared Diamond famously stated that “the biggest problems facing the world today are not at all beyond our control, rather they are all of our own making, and entirely in our power to deal with” when ...
In the course of human history many tens of thousands of communities have survived and thrived for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Scores of these largely self-sustaining traditional communities ...
Though modern fuels like kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are the major sources of cooking energy in urban India, a large proportion of households still use biomass such as firewood, dung, ...
With a population of five million crammed on a landmass of just 715 square kilometres, the tiny republic of Singapore has been forced to expand upwards, building high-rise residential complexes to ...
The Dayak Kenyah people live in the lungs of the world. Deep inside the lush rainforests of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, on the island of Borneo, they have coexisted in harmony with their forbidden ...
Patricia Gualinga stands serenely as chaos swirls about her. I find this petite woman with striking black and red face paint at the head of the People’s Climate March in New York City on 21 September ...
Food is treated as a private good in today’s industrial food system, but it must be re-conceived as a common good in the transition toward a more sustainable food system that is fairer to food ...
On Tuesday, an all-electric tractor-trailer hit the road in Munich, Germany — the first time such a large electric vehicle made by a European manufacturer has gone into regular service in Europe, ...
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are some of the world’s most controversial technologies. Transatlantic disputes arising from the sharp regulatory differences between the two major frameworks — ...