Amman, SANA- The first Arab conference on the role of Arab immigrant health professionals in supporting health systems in ...
“death toll from the ongoing occupation aggression for the 379th consecutive day has risen to 42,519 martyrs and 99,637 ...
Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Israeli occupation aircraft targeted Saturday north and south Gaza Strip, leaving 13 martyrs ...
The Hague-SANA- Iran’s Ambassador to the Netherlands Hadi Farajvand, in a letter to the prosecutor of the International ...
Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that during the past 24 hours, the Israeli occupation ...
Damascus, SANA- Before President Bashar al-Assad, new governors of Deir Ezzor, Daraa, Lattakia, Hama and Quneitra were sworn ...
UNITED NATIONS, SANA-Cuba supports the reform of the UN Security Council as the current system is unjust and needs to be ...
Amman – SANA / Le ministre de la Santé, Ahmad Al- Doumeiriah, a discuté avec Hanan Al-Balkhy, directrice régionale de ...
أعلنت وزارة الصحة اللبنانية أن حصيلة العدوان الإسرائيلي على لبنان خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية بلغت 30 شهيداً و135 جريحاً. وقالت ...
بمشاركة 120 سيدة من اصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة افتتحت فعاليات ‏معرض بازار “حلب أحلى” الذي تنظمه مؤسسة الكنانة للمعارض ‏والمؤتمرات ...
Amman-SANA / Avec la participation de la Syrie, la 1ère conférence arabe sur le rôle des médecins arabes expatriés dans le ...
Ginebra, 19 oct (SANA) El Monitor Euromediterráneo de Derechos Humanos instó a las Naciones Unidas que se declare el norte de ...