There was a wide range of acts of resistance, rescue and aid organized through or by the Jewish community in Nazi-occupied Belgium. Panelists will consider the courage and compassion of those who ...
On this year’s Sonian Forest Day (20 October), a UN trail will be launched showcasing the forest’s rich history and biodiversity.
Menopause equals heat, you might experience some hot flashes and after a few months, no more periods and, naturally, no more babies.
The Human Rights Committee has commended Iceland for achieving impressive results in gender equality, while asking questions on domestic and gender-based violence and on religious affairs. The ...
Participants emphasized that scientific research is fundamental to addressing global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and inequality. Research lays the groundwork for innovative ...
Over 300 million tennis balls end up in landfills every year. Mathilde Wittock is a Belgian artist, bio/eco-designer, and material researcher who focuses on sustainable innovation. Her projects offer ...
Die WHO zeigt sich besorgt über einen gemeldeten Cholera-Fall im Libanon. Sie arbeitet daran, einen größeren Ausbruch zu verhindern.
Mannréttindanefnd Sameinuðu þjóðanna lauk í gær sjöttu yfirferð yfir málefni Íslands og Alþjóðasamningsins um borgaraleg og pólitísk réttindi. Sérfræðingar nefndarinnar luku lofsorði á framúrskarandi ...
Algo está muito errado num mundo em que a fome e a subnutrição são uma realidade da vida de milhares de milhões de crianças, mulheres e homens. No Dia Mundial da Alimentação, lembramo-nos das 733 milh ...
Hvert år havner over 300 millioner tennisballer på søppelfyllinger. Mathilde Wittock, en belgisk kunstner, bio-/økodesigner og materialforsker, fokuserer på bærekraftig innovasjon. Gjennom prosjektene ...