The aim of this project is to explore early literacy practices in family homes and diverse early childhood education (ECE) settings for children aged 2-5 years. Specifically, we want to build a ...
This book examines decolonisation and Māori education in Aotearoa New Zealand in ways that seeks to challenge, unsettle and provoke for change. Editors Jessica Hutchings and Jenny Lee-Morgan have ...
Assisting children back into school after a long illness needs patience and care on both sides. Here are many practical measures to avoid stress and speed the return to ordinary life and ordinary ...
If people approve of us, then we approve of ourselves - our self-esteem grows. From the British equivalent of set we reprint this research on the ability of young children to rank themselves for ...
The Ministry of Education is endeavouring to build an education system that is responsive to the challenges of the 21st century. This includes revising the school curriculum and a major investment in ...
Being local, learning from children, bicultural aspirations, partnerships and creativity are highlighted as strengths of Aotearoa New Zealand’s education sector in a new book from Professor Stuart ...
This article reports on the effectiveness of a small-scale study on numeracy professional development, that focused on the on-site development and implementation of an observation and feedback cycle ...
Reports on the perceptions of physical education teacher education students regarding the pedagogies they have recently experienced in senior secondary school biomechanics classes.
Even TAFE and Polytech classes are dominated by information-giving by ever-talking teachers. This research discovered that higher levels of thinking are encouraged and used in practical classes more ...
Do all students compete under the same conditions or are some carrying burdens which will slow them down, leaving them only the 'rubbish' jobs? Life choices and life chances are made at school; how ...
Advice from a Teacher/Librarian, mainly to Principals and Librarians. Lots of good ideas that you may not have heard of. All have been tried and found successful.
Transition from school to work is pretty haphazard in Australia and New Zealand; in Japan it is highly organised. We have young people unemployed, exams of doubtful educational worth, and a system of ...